Ransomware 101: How to Keep Your Business Safe From the Latest Trend in Cybercrime


Ransomware. Even the name has a sinister ring, leaving no doubt as to its malicious intentions. Yes, that’s right—ransomware is here and well-equipped to silently kidnap your businesses’ data and demand a small fortune for its return. Many organizations today believe ransomware isn’t an imminent threat—maybe they feel like they’re too small a target or have sufficient defenses in place. 

However, the events of July 2nd, 2021, should serve as a wake-up call for all businesses. Kaseya, a Florida-based provider of Remote Management Monitoring software, experienced the most significant ransomware attack to date. REvil, a hardcore ransomware gang, exploited a zero-day vulnerability in Kaseya’s VSA remote management service, took control of their infrastructure, and pushed a malicious software update out to their customers. The end result? Up to 1,500 organizations using Kaseya’s software were infected, and REvil demanded a $70 million ransom for the universal decrypter key needed to unlock the data. 

The impact of ransomware attacks can be far-reaching; the cascading effects of the Kaseya attack impacted schools, businesses, and public administration offices…

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