Red Hat: The evolution of IoT and 5G technologies | Leadership


Ian Hood, Chief Technologist, Global Service Provider at Red Hat, is an “engineer and problem solver at heart.” Throughout the last few decades of his career, Hood has worked in the telecommunication sector designing hardware, software and networks, for governments, banks and global providers.

Hood was drawn to Red Hat just over three years ago, finding the “open source way of life quite intriguing.” From software development, to marketing, sales and support, the open source “approach is applied to every aspect of the business,” says Hood. He goes on to say that “being able to work together with customers to solve complex technical and business challenges around the world and being able to share that knowledge with other customers, partners and industries,” is a key aspect of his role at Red Hat that initially led him to the company in the first place.

Day to day in his role, Hood primarily engages with telecommunication, media and digital service providers to architect and optimize the efficiency of next generation 5G, MEC and edge infrastructure as well as the innovative cloud-native services and applications that the technology may…

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