Redefining productivity with agile ERP for modern enterprises


Organizations have been striving to increase productivity since the days of the cotton gin, steam power and Model T assembly lines. Today, maximizing productivity is often associated with software technology, from virtual assistants to predictive science. But, as the pace of innovation has accelerated, the practical ability to implement and monetize the exciting new technologies hasn’t always kept up. It’s time for solution providers to step up their game and take a more active role in supporting software implementation efforts.

Today’s common tactics for deploying software are flawed. In the race to out-perform competitors, enterprises have hurried into projects without careful planning. The route to go-live status has become a steep, uphill climb, riddled with delays, overwhelming amounts of data, heavily modified legacy solutions, and a hodgepodge of point solutions that don’t speak to each other. The tempting razzle-dazzle of virtual-this and networked-that has often obscured the foundational questions we should be asking: Who will deploy? What’s the impact on productivity? Where’s the payback?

Complexity wins round one

It’s not that the technology doesn’t…

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