Reduce the Cyber Risks to Your Buildings

Reduce the Cyber Risks to Your Buildings

the Cyber Risks to Your Buildings

with Proactive Management
Kevin Smith

Kevin T. Smith,

Chief Technology Officer,


Less than five
minutes! This is the  average time between an IoT device being
connected to the Internet and the first cyberattack on that devicel
While this commonly-known statistic should be alarming to anyone
connecting Internet-capable edge devices to their networks, and while
it should give pause to anyone
looking to deploy the latest generation of building automation system
(BAS), this should not be a reason to turn back time and disconnect
altogether.  With a holistic, defense-in-depth security approach -
involving people, processes and technology, building owners and their
property management teams can plan for and then manage the risk of cyberattack.

What does this mean? From an organizational perspective, it means that
everyone needs to be involved in and focused on cyber awareness and
defense. It means that when you select your products, you need to make
sure that your product manufacturers bake-in strong cybersecurity
controls and support the product with patches when…

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