Regulus Cyber’s GPS protection becomes part of Harman Shield

Photo: Regulus

Photo: Regulus

Regulus Cyber, creator of what it calls “anti-virus” software to protect GPS navigation and timing across a wide range of applications, is collaborating with Harman, a connected-car company.

The software-based cybersecurity solution will be part of Harman Shield, the company’s risk-management offering for vehicle manufacturers and mobility companies.

“We are looking forward to joining forces with Harman, a Tier 1 supplier to the automotive industry, a trusted partner to more than 50 global vehicle manufacturers. Coming together with Harman is a great testament to the necessity of GPS protection measures in our industry,” said Yonatan Zur, CEO of Regulus Cyber.

“We’re seeing our OEM customers expand into the digital and mobility spaces, offering added-value services to consumers by leveraging connectivity and mobile applications,” said Asaf Atzmon, vice president and general manager, Automotive Cybersecurity at Harman. “Through Harman Shield, we offer full visibility, analytics and risk management capabilities into cyber threats, and Regulus Pyramid GNSS solution complements our offering with another layer of protection against GPS hacking….

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