Relevance: The Watchword for Security Intelligence


The intelligence industry, like so many industries, has had to evolve in response to today’s hyper-connected world. Intelligence has long played an important role in helping organizations manage risk. But there is an evolution in the value placed on intelligence beyond risk management. In this fast-moving and often unpredictable world, intelligence is not only growing in importance but becoming increasingly essential to strategic decision-making. And to be of value to decision-makers, it needs to meet a critical requirement—it must be relevant.

Defining Strategic Intelligence

At companies across various sectors and geographies, intelligence is increasingly moving into the heart of strategic decision-making. The intelligence being gathered to support organizations is no longer taking the form of a side mention in siloed departmental discussions, but rather becoming core to the strategic decisions facing the C-suite and board-level decision-makers.  

Intelligence and cybersecurity providers should expand their risk offerings to reflect this quiet evolution underway. While “strategic intelligence” means different things to different organizations, we at…

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