Remote support is a fact of life…


I don’t think anyone would dispute that the way we do business has changed pretty radically over the last few years, especially when it comes to remote working. Companies of all sizes have become accustomed to the idea of their employees not all working at the same office locations, and indeed often not working from physical offices at all. 

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There are good reasons to embrace this transformation: a study last year by the International Workplace Group found that flexible working can improve productivity by as much as 85%. But, from a security standpoint, it raises challenges that you must be ready to address.

Many of those challenges are to do with support. Even if your employees are all based on-site, remote support is nowadays the norm for 90% of the SMB businesses I come into contact with. It’s popular because it’s highly efficient in terms of both costs and human resources – but when I talk to infosecurity professionals about remote support, one telling phrase crops up time and time again: “necessary evil”. 

The precise nature of that “evil” depends on whether we’re talking about internal or external access. By that I…

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