Report: Exposed Medical Devices, Supply Chain Attacks Pose Major Cyber Risks | Healthcare Informatics Magazine | Health IT


This coming May marks the anniversary of the WannaCry attack, yet, a year later, researchers found that the scare of ransomware may not have resulted in more secure healthcare environments, rather the attack surface has only expanded. 

In a new report, “Securing Connected Hospitals,” researchers with Trend Micro, a global cloud security solutions company with U.S. headquarters in Los Angeles, took a deep dive into the threats and areas of exposure within healthcare networks. The report, which provides research on exposed medical systems and supply chain risks, was released in collaboration with HITRUST.

“As hospitals and other healthcare facilities adopt new technology, add new devices, and embrace new partnerships, patients get better and more efficient services — but the digital attack surface expands as well. The more connected they get, the more attractive they become as lucrative targets to threat actors,” researchers wrote in a recent report.

Although the research report is extensive, the report highlights two aspects of healthcare networks that researchers feel IT teams need to consider as part of their overall security strategy—exposed medical devices and…

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