Research finds only 15% of companies are adequately prepared for a cyber attack


A holistic and constant approach should be employed to manage security threats

HONG KONG, June 20, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Axis Communications conducted a survey to understand customers’ attitudes to cyber threats, how cybersecurity impacts their business and how prepared they feel to face an attack.

Among the 175 security management professionals interviewed, the survey concluded that despite cyberattacks being recognized as a real and incumbent danger by most companies (87% prioritized it as a risk), only a few felt that they had adequate defences (15%).

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While 76% of the respondents regard physical protection of assets and safety as their main responsibilities, none of them mention internal attack factors as a threat. Instead, around 60% of them lay the blame on legacy systems. While these systems are a clear weakness, cyber threats are actually just as relevant for recently deployed firmware and software versions as for older ones. This suggests a common misconception that product security is the only way to mitigate vulnerabilities and threats. On the contrary, companies need to manage cyber risks across many dimensions.

Tackling cyber threats…

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