RIMS 2018: Google using chatbots for risk management tasks | News


Google’s parent company Alphabet is making use of chat bots to lighten the workload of its risk management team.

Bots can take up the more mundane or humdrum tasks, freeing up the human team members for the more pressing tasks.

Loren Nickel, Google’s director for business risk and insurance, addressed an educational session on the new risk landscape at the RIMS 2018 conference in San Antonio, Texas today.

The beauty of AI

“For routine tasks, things like certification and low-level claims, we have chat bots to do that,” Nickel told an audience of risk professionals at the US event.

“It helps with scale; it helps for efficiency; and it leads to people getting quick responses,” he added.

Nickel suggested the artificial intelligence (AI) helpers could be used for myriad risk…
