Risk management company assess Westerville City Schools security


During certain parts of the day, the only way into or out of Westerville Central High School is through the front door.

If you are not a student, you have to be buzzed into the office and sign in to be allowed into the school.

The large campus serving 1,600 students is monitored by a series of cameras that monitor the doors and hallways.

Most of those cameras were installed piecemeal as the district had the money and opportunity to do so. They have different types of cameras with different quality outputs.

With a building this large, there are inevitable blind spots due in part to the architecture itself and sometimes due to not having enough cameras to cover every square inch of it.

“Our current use of a camera system is strictly evidentiary,” said Scott Dorne, Westerville City Schools executive director of facilities and operations. “We’re going back and checking the camera to see what happened.”

Dorne and the district want to be responsive to security issues in a timelier manner.

During the day, all doors are locked except the main entrance, as detailed above. No one should be opening those doors and they do not currently sound an audible alarm if they are…
