“Risk management programme has reduced accidents by 23%,” says NWC’s fleet boss Stuart Wiseman


Senior management buy-in has been essential to Nationwide Window Cleaning’s risk management programme, which has reduced accidents by 23%, says fleet boss Stuart Wiseman. Sarah Tooze reports

Nationwide Window Cleaning (NWC) has reduced its accident rate by 23% for the first six months of the year compared with 2017 thanks to a combination of vehicle technology, communication and, ultimately, cultural change. 

The impressive results come on the back of further savings the year before which led to NWC being named most improved fleet at the 2017 Commercial Fleet Awards.

Key to success was fitting the entire fleet of 257 vans with telematics and speed limiters (set at 62mph to help deliver fuel savings as well as safety benefits).

NWC group fleet manager Stuart Wiseman says:…
