Risk Management: Safety First | For Construction Pros


A prime aspect of “Risk Management” is the effort to limit, reduce, or eliminate any construction effort that would pose a safety risk. It’s more than a list of do’s and don’ts, it’s a culture, it’s part of the DNA fabric of your company about how they perform work and being commit to sending their workers home safe and in one piece…consistently.

The legality and science of risk management is quite well known among most contractors and is growing in need to be embraced, understood, and practiced by all specialty contractors. Our country is one of the most litigious in the world and, sadly, this certainly has found a home in the construction industry. So, it is wise to take safety seriously, having not only documents that are required but more, have a commitment to see that every worker is educated on, trained on how, and understanding the “Why?” behind doing things right the first time in the most safe manner possible.

Let’s first address safety in your organization. While this article will not fulfill the entire educational needs for a total safety program at your company, there are some key learning points that have been successfully implemented by many contractors that…
