Risk Management Survey: Fear of Regulation and legislative change ranked Top Risk of 2019


Promoted by Governance Institute of Australia.

Governance Institute of Australia’s 2019 Risk Management Survey found big opportunities for legal professionals in the wake of multiple Royal Commissions.

Governance Institute of Australia has released its 2019 Risk Management Survey, which saw nearly 500 Australian risk managers, legal professionals and governance leaders provide their insights into the unique challenges facing their industries, both now and into the future.

Across nearly all respondent groups ‘Regulatory Reform / Legislative Change’ was chosen as the top risk both across the next 12 months, and again across the next three to five years. This is a huge opportunity for the profession to provide legal advice and support, especially in the wake of multiple Royal Commissions across the country.

‘Damage to Brand or Reputation’was second, followed by ‘Increased Competition’ (#3), ‘Talent Attraction/Retention’ (#4) and ‘Cyber-crime’ (#5) to round out the top five risks facing all Australian organisations over the next 12 months.

There was one key industry exception – Professional Services, which bucked the above trends. Regulatory reform dropped…

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