Risk of cyber attacks rises following Ukraine invasion | Economy and Business


In 2021, there were 40,000 cyber attacks per day, 125% on the previous year, according to security solutions company, Datos101. But while it is true that the number of cyber attacks has been rising in recent years, there are certain factors, such as the pandemic and widespread teleworking that, according to experts, contributed to the exponential growth in 2021. Now, in the midst of the war between Russia and Ukraine, the threat has increased once more, prompting the Spanish Defense Minister, Margarita Robles, to announce, several weeks ago, that the cyber-attack alert level was being raised to 3, five being the highest.

Prevention is the best strategy against the threat of cyber attacks, and this is where lawyers have a fundamental role to play, specifically in the adjustment of organizations to the protective regulatory framework. More than 50 rules are contained in the Code of Cybersecurity Law, structured in eight major sections, including national security, critical infrastructure and data protection.

These regulations are directed primarily at the public administration and its suppliers, critical infrastructure and essential services, as Jesús Yáñez, cybersecurity…

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