RiskNZ Conference, August 2017 – Broadleaf


Repositioning Risk Management

RiskNZ, formerly the New Zealand Society for Risk Management, will be holding its conference in Wellington on 17-18 August 2017. The conference title is Repositioning Risk Management.

Dr Dale Cooper has been invited to present a keynote address on Governance, leadership and enterprise risk management on 17 August.

ABSTRACT: Governance is concerned with the systems by which an organisation is controlled and operates, and the mechanisms by which it, and its people, are held to account. This presentation will address the relationships between governance and risk management, from the perspective of the senior leaders of an organisation. We will explore three major themes. We will begin by discussing objectives, risks and controls, and what should be monitored at senior levels of an organisation. We will extend this to consider how risk management can contribute to good governance, and finally to discuss the processes that senior leaders can use to exercise oversight across the risk management process itself.

Dr Cooper is also chairing a conference wrap-up session on 18 August.

Please visit the conference web site for more information and registration details. Please join us in Wellington!
