Robust cybersecurity consciousness – Punch Newspapers


Chukwuemeka Fred Agbata Jnr

Cyber threats are real. A report states that a hacker attack occurs every 36 seconds. Now, think about the import of this in a world that is predicted to have over 200 billion devices by the end of this year; this simply means that there will always be a vulnerable device available to be attacked.

The reality is that I have remained a committed advocate of technological advancement and development in Nigeria because I regard it as one of the sure ways of dealing with the hydra-headed problem of corruption and other vices. However, at the back of my mind, I understand the risks associated with such advocacy, and that there is a possible catastrophe ahead if we don’t get the cybersecurity consciousness of all stakeholders including users to an above average level. So, what I find most worrisome is that in many cases of breaches, the weakest link is always a human being. For attacks on organisations, the hackers usually tries to target an individual in that organisation. The big question is: what can be done in such a situation?

One important measure is to come up with possible ways of preventing hacks into their systems, by…

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