RSA 2023 highlights a cybersecurity identity crisis in the age of AI


The RSA Conference takes place in the last week of April this year at a time when the industry is at a crossroads.

Where once it looked as if the security industry would be shielded from macroeconomic conditions, the past year has been painful for many investors, with some exceptions – most notably those investors who stuck with Palo Alto Networks Inc. and Fortinet Inc. That said, Q1 saw a rebound in tech but for the most part cyber-lagged. The tech rally was largely attributable to an uptick in semis, a leading indicator in normal times. But these aren’t normal times and RSA gives us a nice opportunity to assess the situation in the market.

In this Breaking Analysis, we’ll update you on the latest trends in the market and what to expect at RSA this year. We’ll also share the latest Enterprise Technology Research spending data and drill into the areas of cybersecurity that are seeing the most action. As always, we’ll highlight those companies with the strongest (and weakest) momentum and close with a look at some of the emerging technology players in security that might be ripe for acquisition. To do all this, we once again welcome in our colleague Erik…

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