Rules of the Road: New rules for 2021



As we say goodbye to 2020 with a hard shove out the door, we welcome in the New Year and look ahead to what awaits us in the world of maritime regulations. Despite a global pandemic, the various regulatory bodies worked hard to bring us their best. We will see several new rules enter into force this year. Here is a summary of those changes that will affect new and existing yachts.

Ballast Water: Management Systems

Oct. 28, 2020: Ballast water management systems are to be approved in accordance with the new Code for Approval of Ballast Water Management Systems (BWMS Code), which incorporates and is technically consistent with the 2016 G8 Guidelines. Upon entry into force of the BWMS Code, the 2016 G8 Guidelines will be revoked. Ballast water management systems installed before Oct. 28, 2020, may be approved taking into account the earlier G8 Guidelines developed by the IMO.

USA: COVID-19 Testing for Air Travel

Dec. 28, 2020: To reduce the introduction and spread of new variants of COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued an order effective Jan. 26, that…

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