Russian-Sponsored AI-Powered Bot Farm Taken Down on X


  • A US-led international has taken down accounts on X controlled by a Russian bot farm.
  • The bot farm used Meliorator, an AI-embedded software designed for use on social media networks, to create ‘authentic’ appearing personas en masse based on specific archetypes or parameters.

An international law enforcement operation led by the US Justice Department has taken down almost a thousand X (formerly Twitter) accounts controlled by a large bot farm and domains used to register the bots. 

Since 2022, the bot farm has actively pushed Russian propaganda and disseminated disinformation targeting X users across the globe using Meliorator, an AI-embedded software. It was organized and managed by a deputy editor-in-chief at the Russian state-run media outlet Russia Today (RT) and a Russian FSB officer.

RT affiliates used the AI-embedded software to create genuine-looking social media accounts from various countries worldwide to amplify false narratives and malign foreign influence on the social media platform. The bot farm allowed RT to spread information that align with RT’s leadership’s goal to expand information distribution beyond traditional TV telecasts.



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