Russian, Ukrainian Cyber Attacks are a Global Threat. Shore Up Your Defenses Now.


Since declaring a “cyber war” on Russian President Vladimir Putin in retaliation for his invasion of Ukraine, the hacktivist collective Anonymous has carried out a series of cyber attacks, and Russia’s formidable disinformation infrastructure is responding in kind. As Jonathan Armstrong and André Bywater of London’s legal- and compliance-focused Cordery warn: The conflict, certainly digital but possibly kinetic, won’t remain in Ukraine, meaning businesses must redouble their cybersecurity efforts.

At the start of the war, a number of groups, including the loose Anonymous collective, said that they would take steps to try to support Ukraine in light of Russian aggression. Reported attacks so far have included:

  • Attacks on the Russian media regulator, Roskomnadzor, including exposing some of the agency’s Federal Security Service (FSB) filings
  • An attack on state-owned Russian broadcaster VGTRK, exposing 20 years of emails
  • Exposing details of Russian army command systems
  • Interfering with Russian TV broadcasts

It is reported that individual Russian citizens have had their details exposed, too. The volume of Russian leaked email addresses, according to one report, doubled in March, which was five times more than in January.

Attacks in Ukraine

According to Microsoft, there were almost 40 attacks…
