Sai Huda to speak at Procopio webinar “The Cybersecurity Deficiencies That Create Liability”

Author of best-seller, Next Level Cybersecurity

Sai Huda

Globally recognized risk and cybersecurity expert will speak at Procopio webinar on Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 2 pm PDT

SAN DIEGO, CA, UNITED STATES, June 30, 2020 / — Sai Huda, author of the best-selling book, Next Level Cybersecurity: Detect The Signals, Stop The Hack will join Fred Taylor, Partner and Privacy & Cybersecurity Practice Group Leader, Procopio, to deliver a timely cybersecurity webinar on Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 2 pm PDT.

Procopio is a full-service business and litigation AmLaw 200 firm serving clients ranging from small to mid-sized companies to large multinationals at every stage of the business life cycle.

The webinar titled “The Cybersecurity Deficiencies That Create Liability: What You Must Know And Should Do” will cover:

• Which cybersecurity deficiencies and practices create liability under federal and state unfair or deceptive acts or practices (UDAP) laws.

• How cybersecurity deficiencies created over $700M in UDAP liability in one recent case.

• How cybersecurity deficiencies created a five year, thousands of dollars in…

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