Scaling Cyber Supply Chain Risk Management with Dark Web Monitoring


Implementing Protections Against Cyberattacks

Many recent cyberattacks have come through exposures in third-party systems. There is an evident need to monitor the cybersecurity of third parties, and this puts the spotlight on cyber supply chain risk management (C-SCRM). Experts from Kroll outline what companies can do to protect their systems and sensitive company information.

with co-authors Brian Lapidus and Keith Wojcieszek 

Many of the high-profile cybersecurity breaches of the last several years share a common, disturbing thread: The breach was not the result of a direct attack on the targeted organization, but instead due to exposures arising from vendors and other trusted third parties. These secondary vulnerabilities allowed bad actors either direct access to the target company’s systems or to sensitive company information that had been entrusted to the vendor.

Unfortunately, the potential security problems raised by interwoven IT systems of vendors, partners, customers and others will only grow more acute. The integration of data across supply chains is a key component of both the digital transformation that is reconfiguring companies in diverse sectors from chemicals to consumer goods, and of emerging technologies such as the internet of things. Furthermore, in addition to…
