School Officials Warned of Ongoing Cybersecurity Attacks in New Jersey


PISCATAWAY – May 17, 2019 – One could argue the most difficult state job in New Jersey goes to Michael Geraghty, the first-ever director of the New Jersey Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Cell (NJCCIC).

Geraghty, part of the state’s Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness, is on the front lines of the State’s cybersecurity efforts, as cyber-attacks are launched against New Jersey’s public and private sector systems on a daily basis.

Patrick M. Moran, the business administrator for the Educational Services Commission of New Jersey (ESCNJ), said Geraghty is leading the state’s cybersecurity efforts every day, which is why he was invited to serve as the keynote speaker for the ERIC North™ 16th-Annual Training Seminar on May 10. ERIC North (Educational Risk Insurance Consortium) is a sub-fund of the New Jersey Schools Insurance Group and provides ESCNJ’s property and casualty insurance for New Jersey public schools.

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One of the most frightening attacks that grows in prevalence is “ransomware,” in which the perpetrators install and execute malware that encrypts all the files holding them for ransom until the victim…

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