Securing a remote workforce amplifies common cybersecurity risks


Cyber-mischief, like Zoombombing — where uninvited guests drop into Zoom online meetings to harass the attendees — has garnered plenty of attention during the first month of the pandemic.

While troubling, experts said there are far more challenging cybersecurity issues arising from the worldwide lockdown. Security teams have encountered a range of pandemic-related scenarios that put their organizations at risk, from misconfigurations that expose systems to securing a remote workforce that has vulnerable connections into corporate networks.

“We’re kind of walking a tightrope,” said Marcus Rogers, professor and executive director of cybersecurity programs at Purdue University.

Experts listed multiple security challenges that have arisen with the rush to enable employees to work from home. Many workers are now using personal devices without corporate-level security controls — or perhaps no security controls at all — to access company systems.

There are hundreds of thousands of additional people remotely accessing corporate systems, overwhelming VPN connections. Many of those new virtual employees have not received the same level of security training that workers who…

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