Security baselines should underpin efforts to manage cybersecurity risk across sectors


This post is authored byAngela McKay, Director of Cybersecurity Policy and Amanda Craig, Senior Cybersecurity Strategist, CELA.

Organizations are leveraging technology to transform their operations, products, and services, and governments are increasingly focusing on how to enable such dynamic change while also managing risks to their critical infrastructure, economies, and societies. Across sectors and regions, theyre developing, updating, and gathering feedback on cybersecurity policies and legislation, aiming to build resiliency into their nations approaches to digital transformation.

Industry and governments must collaborate to build a more resilient ecosystem. In sharing lessons learned from operating across diverse environments, global companies can accelerate efforts to protect global infrastructure and technology. Similarly, by leveraging lessons learned through not only their own experiences but also those of industry, governments can ensure their efforts to enhance resiliency are both practicable and effective. This mutual collaboration through public-private partnerships can help to drive meaningful outcomes, which will continue to be critical to improving…

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