Security Executive Council Welcomes New Experts


November 30, 2018 – The Security Executive Council (SEC) has added five new members to its team of experts: Amy Ballard, Alan Borntrager, Neil R. Johnston, Jerry D. Vergeront, and Dwight Williams.

The SEC is the only security risk management firm to exclusively use former corporate security senior executives from leading Fortune 500 companies as our subject matter experts (consultants). They work with our staff as a team to blend their many areas of expertise together, resulting in a collective knowledge that encompasses security risk mitigation strategies, organizational experience, and the importance of corporate culture. Bob Hayes, the SEC’s Managing Director, said, “Our newest wave of experts brings fresh skills and passions that expand our capabilities to solve a broader range of problems. We are fortunate to have these high-level people to work with.”

Amy Ballard (Subject Matter Expert, Security Program Facilitation) contributed 18 years of security-related service and technology know-how to The Boeing Company, Security and Fire Protection group. She was a founding member of the development and…

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