Security Leader: Jason Duerden, Blackberry Cylance – CSO


Credit: Jason Duerden

How did you end up in your current role, and what attracted you to the industry?

I began my career in creative web design and always had a passion for technology. After trying a few different things within the IT industry, as well as the events space, I found success in operational roles where I could demonstrate my leadership strengths. From there pivoted into business roles across delivery, sales, marketing and ultimately, leadership in IT and cybersecurity. I have a distinct interest in problem solving, so I was naturally drawn to the intriguing world of cyber. In particular, the global scale of the challenge and opportunity that our digital landscape presents. Being able to provide a technical solution that could impact society in a positive way has always attracted me to the industry.

What do you see as the biggest threat we currently face?

People.  It may sound like a generic statement however it will always remain our weakest link in the cybersecurity chain.  Effectively communicating cyber risk and educating the public en masse is…

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