Security report says state of the web is “risky” | Cybersecurity |


If you think the websites you visit frequently are safe, think again.

According to a report by Menlo Security, users expose themselves to cyberattacks when they click on nearly half of the worlds’ most-visited websites.

When the Palo Alto-based company released its annual “State of the Web” report for 2017, it said 42 percent of the Alexa Top 100,000 sites were labeled risky because they were either: connected to sites that used server software vulnerable to attack; had distributed malware or launched attacks in the past; or had been victim of a security breach in the past year.

The company doesn’t identify the websites that are deemed risky, but it’s reasonable to assume even the websites of some of the giants in the technology field have issues because they dominate the top spots on the Alexa list. The top 50 is dominated by the likes of Google, Amazon, YouTube and Facebook.

On July 10, Menlo Security conducted another analysis, “State of the Web-First Half 2018” to produce a mid-year snapshot that examined the Alexa Top 50 websites visited in six countries including…

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