Security tool consolidation boosts efficiency, threat mitigation


Dive Brief:

  • Organizations that have consolidated security spending into integrated platforms have experienced improved cyber resilience and stronger operational efficiencies, according to a study released Tuesday by IBM and Palo Alto Networks
  • Managing security stacks has been a struggle for organizations, which juggle an average of 83 different security tools from 29 different vendors, according to the study.
  • More importantly, the “platformization” model reduces the time it takes to identify and mitigate security incidents by an average of 74 days and 84 days, respectively, the study found.

Dive Insight:

The report takes a close look at a controversial push in recent years to consolidate security spending toward platforms that integrate multiple tools. The tradeoff is that this typically entails working with a single vendor. Enterprise security teams have increasingly complained of tool sprawl, where dozens of security tools are deployed across corporate IT networks and deluge security staff with false alerts as the volume of malicious cyberattacks become more powerful and harder to detect. 

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