Senator Warner issues healthcare cybersecurity policy options


Cyberattacks can lock physicians out of patient information systems, compromise protected data, shut down hospital equipment and delay patient care, but they can also trigger lawsuits and penalties on healthcare organizations. 

One industry expert asks: Is the healthcare industry set up to fail? 

Call for a healthcare cybersecurity czar

Senator Mark Warner, D-Va., divides his new policy paper, Cybersecurity is Patient Safety, into three sections:

  • National risk posture and federal leadership.
  • Cyberattack recovery and requirements.
  • Incentives that may improve healthcare cybersecurity capabilities.

He cites stakeholders for reporting a lack of coordination between the Department of Health and Human Services and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in his call to establish a new senior leader accountable for healthcare cybersecurity under the executive agency secretary.

“Is [HHS] succeeding in its role as the sector risk management agency for healthcare and is HHS the most appropriate SRMA?” Warner asks in the paper, which also questions if the 405(d) program, mandated under the Cybersecurity Act of 2015, should continue to be the partnership between the…

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