Sh2.7 Billion Missing at the Ministry of Health


Auditor-General Edward Ouko has unearthed what could be another scandal at a government institution involving billions of shillings.

In an audit report tabled in Parliament, Ouko says the Ministry of Health cannot account for 2.7 billion shillings meant for the purchase of portable container clinics, free maternity, family planning and managed equipment service in the 2015/16 financial year.

“Out of the 100 portable clinic containers contracted to be supplied by M/s Estama Investment Limited, only 80 LPOs were availed for audit review,” Ouko says in the report.

The Auditor-General says he could not find out how the Ministry spent Sh1 billion allocated for the purchase of portable clinics, Sh879,088,560 set aside for Free Maternity Fund and a further Sh800 million for family…
