Sh3.8b elections procurement at the centre of Chiloba suspension :: Kenya

IEBC CEO Ezra Chiloba responds to audit queries when he appeared before the National Assembly Public Accounts Committee at Parliament. [Photo by Boniface Okendo/Standard]

The Sh3.8 billion contract for the supply of elections technology awarded to a French firm, Safran, is at the centre of Ezra Chiloba’s suspension.

It has emerged that Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Chairman Wafula Chebukati relied on an internal audit questioning the single-sourcing for the technology to kick Mr Chiloba out.


Inside IEBC’s Sh5.4b audit hole Ouko wants explained

On March 24, 2017, Mr Chebukati convened an evening press conference where he announced that Safran had met the cut for direct procurement on account of its previous engagement with the commission in the…
