Sharpening the Focus on Cybersecurity


The cyber threat landscape continues to evolve. Cybersecurity remains an important boardroom and C-suite topic as the COVID-19 pandemic forces remote work and adoption of new technologies. Protiviti’s Jim DeLoach shares what’s new in cyberspace.

The pandemic has shifted just about everything. Cybersecurity is no exception. First, consider the transition to a remote workforce. The networks of most companies are not set up to accommodate a majority of the workforce connecting remotely. As the volume of remote traffic increases, many employees sign in to a corporate virtual private network (VPN) through insecure routers and personal devices.

Second, cyberattackers are using the COVID-19 crisis as an opportunity to trick unsuspecting employees into clicking on attachments or links to fraudulent websites so they can download malware or access medical or financial records or other personal information.

Finally, outside the safety and security perimeter of the workplace environment, specific controls may be less effective or even unavailable as employees deploy new collaboration or cloud tools.

No doubt, the dynamics of a decentralized workforce has increased the cyber risk. Organizations must find the balance between the need to bolster network capacity to accommodate increased remote traffic and the imperative…
