Significant Attention Is Needed to Address High-Risk Areas


What GAO Found

In its March 2021 high-risk series update, GAO reported that significant attention was needed to improve the federal government’s management of information technology (IT) acquisitions and operations, and ensure the nation’s cybersecurity. Regarding management of IT, overall progress in addressing this area has remained unchanged. Since 2019, GAO has emphasized that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and covered federal agencies need to continue to fully implement critical requirements of federal IT acquisition reform legislation, known as the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA), to better manage tens of billions of dollars in IT investments. For example:

  • OMB continued to demonstrate leadership commitment by issuing guidance to implement FITARA statutory provisions, but sustained leadership and expanded capacity were needed to improve agencies’ management of IT.
  • Agencies continued to make progress with reporting FITARA milestones and plans to modernize or replace obsolete IT investments, but significant work remained to complete these efforts.
  • Agencies improved the involvement of their agency Chief Information Officers…

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