Six must-haves for business security


The specter of cybercrime looms large over organizations, big and small alike. Despite this, companies often underestimate the existential threat posed by cyberattacks. What are the most important immediate steps that every organization and company must take as soon as possible to protect themselves, even at the most basic level?

News headlines are filled with stories of businesses succumbing to devastating cyberattacks. Dealing with the damage of these attacks is difficult and expensive. The cost of cyberattacks on the Israeli economy is estimated at approximately NIS 12 billion annually, with numbers on a constant upward trend. The data clearly show that cybersecurity is not just a technical concern but a critical business strategy.

Sadly, hackers are indiscriminate in their targets, attacking businesses of all shapes and sizes. The ransomware threat is particularly insidious, with many companies forced to pay hefty sums of $280,000 or more to regain control of their data. Despite this knowledge, many organizations remain vulnerable, unprepared for the inevitable cyberattack, and unaware of the measures that could safeguard their operations. To help level the playing…

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