Smart Grid Security: Are We Up for the Challenge?


Smart meters, smart grids, smart distributed energy resources (DERs), smart energy management, and demand response technology connected to a host of customer systems, smart chargers, and energy storage controls, and the list of mind-numbingly capable technologies we are incorporating into our interconnected electrical networks goes on. A common thread is all these systems communicate in some fashion with other parts of the network; many also generate, use, and share large quantities of data. As our electric infrastructure and the flow of energy as well as data becomes more complex and distributed, can we maintain control of the safety and security of these systems?

CapitalOne thought their security was sound. So did Equifax, J.P Morgan Chase, and others. The CapitalOne data breach discovered last month resulted in compromised data for roughly 100 million U.S. customers as well as 6 million customers in Canada. The Equifax breach uncovered in 2017 affected personal information of 145 million Americans. And the list goes on with at least 15 major breaches affecting millions of people who provided confidential information to major…

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