Spotlight on: Navigating risks in the food and beverage sector | Analysis


With significant losses and the complexity of global supply chains, the food and beverage industry is exposed to an ever-growing array of risks.

But what are these risks, what is the impact when something goes wrong, and what are the solutions? 


What are the risks?

Food and beverage manufacturers face a multitude of risks, but arguably front of mind at present are three significant emerging macro level challenges.

First, the growing impact of climate change on food safety and supply is a critical risk food manufacturers face.

Climate change has and will continue to alter weather patterns. It is or will force food and beverage companies to shift sourcing of growing and raw material processing to different locations and suppliers.

For instance, take Sussex in Southeast England, which has become a wine growing region where it once would have been near impossible to produce sparkling wine of such quality.

Such an example is a microcosm of a global issue that will drastically change the agricultural landscape and, unlike the above example, many changes will be negative.

“The growing impact of climate change on food safety and supply is a critical risk food manufacturers face”

