Spring Cleaning: Good for Your Physical Space and Your Mental Space


As winter seems to hold out longer than it should, we are faced with the hope of springtime. But spring cleaning can feel like a real chore, both in your personal and professional life. Nonetheless, giving this process a little time and energy can benefit you in multiple ways.

Here are a few things to keep in mind about the rewards of spring cleaning, for both your physical space and your headspace:

Productivity and efficiency

When everything is in its rightful place, your life becomes more efficient. Once you know where everything is, you don’t have to waste time in the search. If you know where everything is, you won’t have to waste any time fumbling around. A clean space is inspiring and that helps you to be at your best.

Fewer things fall through the cracks

It’s easy to forget important tasks and projects when there’s no system in place to keep you on track.

Increased focus

Spend more time accomplishing goals and less time focused on decluttering your inbox or trying to find your to-do list. When you let items pile up, it can stand as a reminder of the projects you have to finish or goals you have yet to accomplish. Clutter holds us back.


When you are proud of the space you are in, it naturally elevates your mood….
