SSA Makes Progress on Risk Management Framework – MeriTalk


The Social Security Administration (SSA) has implemented four of the seven open priority recommendations that the Government Accountability Office (GAO) identified in April 2020, including updating systems and establishing a risk management framework.

The four recommendations SSA addressed include: updating its system to ensure waivers for Disability Insurance (DI) overpayments over $1,000 are processed correctly; establishing an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework and council to address cyber risks and potential impact on SSA’s mission; addressing Disability overpayment that results from the concurrent receipt of Federal Employees’ Compensation Act benefits; and strengthening oversight of representative payees to help manage beneficiary funds appropriately.

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GAO identified one more open priority recommendation in May 2021, bringing the total open recommendations for SSA to four.

In SSA establishing an ERM framework, SSA included creating a council to govern the agency’s ERM function. The council includes the agency’s CIO and CISO and facilitates coordination between cybersecurity and ERM…

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