SSH.COM-sponsored Cyber Security Study Recommends Hong Kong Enterprises to Put More Effort into Managing Third Party Risks


Hong Kong, May 4, 2018

Landmark survey assesses the state of cyber security and key development needs in Hong Kong

Major survey shows that Hong Kong enterprises’ cyber security practices were on the “Basic” level, with third party risk management, cyber threat detection, and cyber security awareness being the key areas of improvement for 2018.

The SSH.COM sponsored study, called SSH Hong Kong Enterprise Cyber Security Readiness Index Survey 2018, is the first of its kind to apply the comprehensive Hong Kong Enterprise Cyber Security Readiness Index (HKECSRI) framework developed by the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) with the support of its Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre. The index classified the cyber security readiness on a scale of 0-100 with the following five levels: “Unaware”, “Ad-hoc”, “Basic”, “Managed” and “Anticipated”, categorized in the order of maturity.

The overall security maturity of 45.6 indicated only a Basic level of maturity, while some cyber security indicators were on “Managed” and “Anticipated” levels. Large enterprises (58.3) and the financial sector (60.5) scored better than the…

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