Staying one step ahead | Insurance Business


A GLANCE at the biggest brands in the modern business world illustrates just how significant the digital revolution of recent years has been. Tech companies like Facebook, Netflix, Amazon and Google have grown exponentially, and their innovations are inspiring business owners in all sectors to up their digital game.

But while the widespread adoption of digital tools and services has helped busi­nesses up their value propositions, it has also increased their risk. Cyber criminals are using increasingly sophisticated methods to hack systems and steal data, and companies of all sizes face the realistic prospect of being targeted. As a result, the insurance industry has had to step up to protect organizations.

“The industry is being asked to provide risk management solutions in a world that has rapidly changed both digitally and in every other aspect,” says Jeremy Barnett, senior vice president of marketing at NAS Insurance Services. “Suddenly, insurance is relevant to all types of innovative companies, which has forced insurance to become more innovative, too. With the growing concern around cybersecurity, insurance has had to evolve rapidly and…

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