Strengthening Hydro-Meteorological and Multi-Hazard Early Warning Services in the Caribbean – Phase 2 (CREWS Caribbean 2.0)


Component 1 – Strengthen MHEWS Governance at the national and regional level

Output 1.1: Create/strengthen national mechanisms for more frequent multi-sectoral interaction to tackle thematic and sustainability issues

Output 1.2: Provide technical support on the design, development and implementation of national governance mechanisms 

Output 1.3: Support regional and sub-regional EWS consortiums and groups by serving as a strategic and advisory body for the coordination and advancement of MHEWS. 

Component 2 – Improve Disaster Risk Knowledge at the community, national and regional level

Output 2.1:  Strengthen national risk data ecosystems to improve risk knowledge, risk literacy and risk analytics through the availability of living global, regional and national repositories of disaster risk databases 

Output 2.2: Implement tools are for facilitating the information chain for MHEWS (from data collection to data analysis), including the identifying potential impacts (databases), for Impact-based forecasting.

Output 2.3: Strengthen stakeholders’ capacities to conduct systems-level risk assessments and analysis for risk reduction approaches and effective risk-informed decision-making

Component 3…



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