Survey reveals whether HNW clients are satisfied with brokers, agents


Brokers and agents specializing in the high net worth client space are doing something right. A new Net Promoter System survey focused on these insurance professionals has revealed that their level of service is as exceptional as big hitting companies that are popular among consumers, like Apple, Ritz Carlton, and Lexus.

The survey, which the Private Risk Management Association (PRMA) administered on behalf of its members, was a first-time benchmark for the industry, and showed that brokers and agents providing risk management services to the affluent market had an average net promoter score of 70. This tops the average score 39 for household-name insurance companies.

“The big revelation for us is that, overall, high net worth clients have an incredible relationship with their insurance broker,” said Azeema Hartley (pictured), director of member relations at PRMA. “If you think about companies like Costco or Apple or Amazon, where they have scores in the 70s, we love those companies. They’re meeting…

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