Sydney Airport to establish cyber security centre


Sydney Airport is preparing to open a new 24/7 Security Operations Center (SOC) to mitigate the growing risk of data and information security threats. The airport announced in its annual report the first phase of the SOC – Security Control Centre would be complete by April 2019.

It highlighted cyber-attacks as a key operational risk alongside aircraft accidents, terrorism, climate change and the threat of war — noting that the airport is a “critical piece of national infrastructure”.

Cyber Security 2020 strategy refreshed

“With the security threat landscape evolving rapidly, we have continued to focus on managing current and emerging cyber risks. A refreshed Information and Cyber Security 2020 strategy has been at the centre of our cyber programs to drive security governance, improved maturity levels, and stronger user awareness via security culture campaigns,” the report said.

The new centre, which is expected to be up and running by April, is aimed at enhancing “cyber defence capabilities, the airport said in its latest annual report released this week.

Sydney airport working closely with the Australian government on cyber security

“We work closely…

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