TAC Security Focuses on AI-Powered ESOF VMP’s Cyber Risk Quantification Tool to Assist Companies with Upcoming SEC Cyber Risk Compliance


As public companies face the ticking clock to meet the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) new cybersecurity regulations, TAC Security is at the forefront of offering a reliable solution. With only five months to meet these critical requirements, companies now have a groundbreaking resource in TAC Security’s AI-driven Risk-based Vulnerability Management – ESOF (Enterprise Security in One Framework) Cyber Risk Quantification Tool.

Recognizing the stringent compliance timeline and the need for a consolidated and coherent response, TAC Security is offering the ESOF tool, aiming to help businesses:

In response to the heightened need for a unified and agile approach, TAC Security’s ESOF tool offers companies the ability to:

– Evaluate their current cyber risk postures and spot areas of improvement.

– Quantify the real-world implications of potential cyber threats.

– Foresee and proactively counter possible cyber vulnerabilities.

– Demonstrate a fortified cyber defence mechanism to protect stakeholders’ interests.

– Translate technical cybersecurity metrics into board-friendly financial terms.

SEC’s latest mandate, detailed in its FOR IMMEDIATE…

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