Tajikistan last year reached the lowest level of its tax-to-GDP ratio in the past decade


14:59, 3 июня, 2021

Over the last two years, the Government of Tajikistan has made tax reform a priority, principally because it is essential to the country’s goals of boosting private sector development, improving the business climate, expanding export, and creating jobs.

The World Bank experts note that while Tajikistan’s tax revenues have been close to the average for lower-middle-income countries, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, its tax-to-GDP ratio dropped from 23 percent GDP in 2019 to 20.5 percent of GDP in 2020, reaching the lowest level in the past decade.

This, in turn, reportedly slowed investments in public services and other national development priorities.

To increase tax revenues, Tajikistan is striving to improve the efficiency of tax administration, and as such, since 2013, the country has been receiving support from the World Bank-financed Tax Administration Reform Project.

However, Tajikistan has reportedly encountered some constraints in expanding efforts aimed at mobilizing domestic revenues.  An increasing number of tax exemptions have reportedly resulted in substantial revenue loss, estimated between 4 and 11 percent of GDP.

