Telcos Become Richer Hacking Targets

The shift of moving telecommunications networks toward more commercial networking equipment and systems also expanded their attack surface.

As telecommunications providers transition their network services infrastructures away from proprietary systems to commercial routers, switches, and servers, it also has opened them up to increased cybersecurity threats.

As a result, telco spending on cybersecurity will have a compound annual growth rate of 11.9% between 2018 and 2022, according to International Data Corp.’s (IDC) 2019 Worldwide Semiannual Security Spending Guide.

“Robust investment in key security solutions is due to myriad facets of security needs, including data loss and prevention, compliance and risk management, increasingly sophisticated cyber schemes, and digital transformation complexity,” Karen Massey, research manager at IDC said in the report.

The telecommunications industry is under more frequent attack by actors such as China and North Korea, according to CrowdStrike’s Global Threat Report 2020. Many attacks against telcos in 2019 used “publicly available tools” to tap into providers’ networks for spying or other illicit means, according to CrowdStrike.


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