Наши популярные онлайн курсы
Huge thank you to everyone involved in the #RAW2019. We made history running the 100% online truly global Risk Management Conference.
Risk Awareness Week 2019 surpassed our expectations and was a resounding success! We have over 2600 attendees from 121 countries who have viewed in total over 55 hours of RM2 content. Huge thank you to our amazing speakers!
If you haven’t watched all the sessions yet, don’t worry, replays will stay available forever. Re-watch or share with your friends: https://2019.riskawarenessweek.com/replays/
It would also help us a lot for the RAW2020 if you could complete this short survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Q9M9XXW
Please share your experience about RAW2019, post about it on LinkedIn, twit, write a blog post, do a podcast, help raise risk awareness and looking forward to see you at RAW2020!