The Art of Storytelling in Cybersecurity


This episode of the “CyberHero Adventures: Defenders of the Digital Universe” show focuses on answering the question, How do you use stories to distill complicated cybersecurity information into digestible bites? Our guests include Jen Tisdale, principal, Cyber-Physical Systems Security Programs at Grimm; Dave King, CEO Goliath Media; and Nina Alli, executive director of the Bio-Hacking Village at Def Con.


Gary Berman: Hello, and welcome to the “CyberHero Adventures: Defenders of the Digital Universe” show. Today’s show focuses on answering the question, “How do you distill complicated tech and cybersecurity information into digestible bites?” Stay tuned to find out.

I’m your host, Gary Berman. Our mission is to shine a light on the people and organizations who keep us safe online while at work, home, and school, and to serve as a business to business networking platform for the cybersecurity and IT communities. We’ve learned that 55% of human communications is nonverbal. That’s why we include a video feed, so that you have the option of seeing our guests or simply just listening. You never know who you’re gonna connect with and how you’ll be…

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